⚠️Update: Your emails should no longer be marked as spoofing. Safari Portal has implemented new settings to combat Microsoft's and Google's August 2024 email policies. But if you want to be safe than sorry for any of their future changes, follow the steps below!
Occasionally, email service providers may mark emails you send through Safari Portal as "spam" or "potential spoofing." This is due to the no-reply@safariportal.app email address that sends these emails. Taking the steps below can help to prevent this.
Note: You need access to your company's domain provider to complete these steps. If that's not you, we recommend forwarding this Help article to whoever manages your company's email domain.
- To add Safari Portal as an authorized spoofed sender, go to your Microsoft Defender's Tenant Allow/Block List Spoofing page. You will be prompted to log in. Note that you need to have certain permissions in order to follow this procedure.
- Click +Add, then add the following to the text box:
- [TYPE YOUR COMPANY'S DOMAIN], safariportal.app
- Set Spoof type to External. Set Action to Allow. Click the Add button to finish.